Social Security Fairness Act of 2023 Update:
The Social Security Administration is currently evaluating how to implement the Act. You can check for updates on the implementation of the Social Security Fairness Act on the Social Security website here.
Looking for An Appointment for Yourself or a Group?
Are you looking for more information about retirement? You can schedule:
-an individual appointment or
-a group appointment (with 5 or more people)
with Kelly McCracken, Executive Director. When booking the appointment, you have the option to meet in-person, via Zoom or by phone.
If you have already had a retirement counseling session and are just looking for an updated estimate, please fax the Retirement Estimate Request Form to us at (508) 696-3847. Make sure to sign the form! Signatures must be clear and legible in order for us to send estimates.
FY2024 Retiree COLA Increase Information
We are pleased to announce that the Dukes County Contributory Retirement Board has approved a 3% COLA (Cost of Living Adjustment) for Fiscal Year 2024. This COLA will become effective July 1, 2024 for all eligible retirees and survivors of the System who retired or began collecting a survivor benefit on or before June 30, 2023. The 3% COLA will be applied up to the first $15,000 of all eligible recipients’ annual retirement allowances. The maximum amount an eligible recipient can receive is $37.50 per month. Eligible recipients will see this COLA increase beginning on the July 31, 2024 payroll.
The Retirement Board continues to advocate for the rights of our retirees and tries to find solutions to maximize the benefit to the many well-deserving retired municipal employees. The Board is pleased to serve the membership of the Dukes County Contributory Retirement System.
Will Collecting A Pension Impact My Social Security?
Are you wondering if your pension will impact your Social Security? Have you heard of the Windfall Elimination Provision and Government Pension Offset, but aren’t sure what they are or how they could potentially impact you? For more information on this topic, click here.
Wellness News
Would you like to focus on Wellness in the New Year? Be Well MV is a wellness resource that is sponsored by the Cape Cod Municipal Health Group. Their goal is to improve the overall health, well-being and quality of life of all CCMHG members by promoting the 8 Dimensions of Wellness as well as to create opportunities that empower, educate and model positive attitudes and behaviors through a lifelong commitment to wellness. Check out their website to find out more about eligibility requirements and the great programs they offer.
Health Insurance Benefit Comparisons:
Member units* in the Dukes County Contributory Retirement System provide health insurance benefits to their eligible active employees and retirees through the Cape Cod Municipal Health Group (CCMHG). You can find information about insurance options available to active employees as well as retirees on their website. Active members, members who are contemplating retirement, and current retirees should contact the Treasurer, Human Resources Office or Benefits Coordinator at their employing unit for information regarding post-retirement health benefits; enrollment, rates, eligibility requirements, and other plan information.