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The Application Process

Your town or district may have varying requirements on the amount of notice to be given. Establish a retirement date that works for you and for your department head and give the appropriate amount of notice.

You should plan to file your retirement application 30 to 60 days prior to retirement but no more than 120 days. You can amend this application up until we finalize your retirement benefits.

Complete the retirement application forms given to you by the Retirement Office at your retirement counseling appointment. Once you have thought through your options, the process is fairly simple, and will take less than an hour.  Return the following forms to our office once you have completed them and have all of the signatures required:

  • Application for Voluntary Superannuation Retirement
    • Chose one of the three sections (A, B or C) and complete it. You can draw a line through the two sections you do not want.
    • Sign the section you have chosen, but do so in the presence of a witness.
    • For option B, name your beneficiary. You can name multiple beneficiaries by providing the percent given to each (example: name 4 children and provide 25% to each one.)
    • If you are married, your spouse must sign that he/she has read the form and understands the option that you have chosen.
    • For option C, you can name only one beneficiary (eligible beneficiaries for this option include ONE of the following: spouse, child, parent or sibling).
    • We must have social security numbers, dates of birth, for all beneficiaries.
  • Choice of Retirement Option Form
  • All required supporting documents.  You need to supply your beneficiary’s birth certificate and marriage certificate (if the beneficiary’s address is different from yours, please provide it.)
  • A completed federal W-4P tax withholding form
  • A voided check with a Direct Deposit Form

Any re-deposits or make-up or buyback payments must be made PRIOR to the effective date of your retirement.

You must receive all of your regular pay, longevity, etc from your employer PRIOR to the effective date of your retirement. 

Make sure you have consulted with the Treasurer or Human Resources Department as well as MEDICARE (if you or your spouse are 65 or older) about your health insurance and life insurance options after retirement. Once you have decided on your benefit options, the Treasurer/Human Resources will notify us of the amount to withhold from your retirement check.