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Disability Retirement

Accidental Disability Retirement

• Eligibility

A member who becomes totally and permanently incapacitated from performing the essential duties of his or her job as a result of illness or injury sustained, or hazard undergone, while in the performance of duties, may apply for an accidental disability retirement allowance.

It is important that members file a notice of injury with the retirement system and their employer if they have an accident on the job or are exposed to a health hazard. Notice should be filed within 90 days of the occurrence in order to establish an official record of the injury and to later seek accidental disability benefits.

• Calculation

A member’s accidental disability retirement allowance consists of a pension that is 72% of the annual rate of regular compensation on the date of injury, OR 72% of the average annual rate of regular compensation for the last 12 months preceding the effective date of retirement, whichever is greater; plus an annuity, plus a benefit for dependent children. In addition, veterans are entitled to a veteran’s benefit equal to $15 per year for every year of creditable service, up to a maximum additional benefit of $300.

The total accidental disability retirement allowance (pension and annuity) is capped at 75% of the annual rate of regular compensation if the member’s service entry date was after January 1, 1988.

NOTE: There are certain presumptions that apply only to specific public safety personnel. (i.e., the Heart Law, Lung Law, Cancer Presumption) Members retiring for accidental disability retirement under one of the presumptions need not provide an injury date. The date of injury for purposes of calculating the member’s retirement allowance will be the date the member last received regular compensation. For more information about the presumptions and disability benefits in general, please refer to PERAC’s Guide to Disability Retirement for Public Employees .

To apply for an accidental disability retirement allowance, please contact our office for assistance.

Ordinary Disability Retirement

Ordinary Disability Retirement—Membership prior to April 2, 2012

For those employees who established membership in a Massachusetts contributory retirement system prior to April 2, 2012, the following guidelines apply.

• Eligibility

A member who has accrued at least ten (10) years of creditable service and who becomes permanently incapacitated from performing the essential duties of his or her job as a result of illness or injury which is not duty related may apply for an ordinary disability retirement allowance.

• Calculation

For non-veterans, the ordinary disability retirement allowance is equal to the amount payable for a superannuation retirement. The benefit is calculated using the member’s age factor, creditable service and the member’s high, three-year average salary. If the member has not yet attained the age of 55, the age factor will be increased to 55, providing a larger benefit.

Veterans will receive an allowance consisting of a pension equal to 50% of the regular compensation received during the last 12 months of employment, plus an annuity. In the event a veteran’s superannuation allowance is greater than the ordinary disability retirement allowance, the veteran will receive the greater benefit.

For more information about disability retirement benefits in general, please refer to PERAC’s Guide to Disability Retirement for Public Employees .

Members who wish to apply for an ordinary disability retirement allowance should contact our office.


Ordinary Disability Retirement—Membership on or after April 2, 2012

For those employees who established membership in a Massachusetts contributory retirement system on or after April 2, 2012, the following guidelines apply.

• Eligibility

A member who has accrued at least ten (10) years of creditable service and who becomes permanently incapacitated from performing the essential duties of his or her job as a result of illness or injury which is not duty related may apply for an ordinary disability retirement allowance.

• Calculation

For non-veterans, the ordinary disability retirement allowance is equal to the amount payable for a superannuation retirement. The benefit is calculated using the member’s age factor, creditable service and the member’s high, five-year average salary. If the member has not yet attained the age of 60, the age factor will be increased to 60, providing a larger benefit.

Veterans will receive an allowance consisting of a pension equal to 50% of the regular compensation received during the last 12 months of employment, plus an annuity. In the event a veteran’s superannuation allowance is greater than the ordinary disability retirement allowance, the veteran will receive the greater benefit.

For more information about disability retirement benefits in general, please refer to PERAC’s Guide to Disability Retirement for Public Employees.

Members who wish to apply for an ordinary disability retirement allowance should contact our office.